Róbert Sütő

4-11 December 2013
Budapest, XII., Törpe utca 8.

István Sinkó:
Slit and illusion

Róbert Sütő talks about slits – visual keyholes – in the title of his exhibition. Sütő sticks to the idea that he, who until the present has painted buildings and deserted factories (nowadays even tow-boats) with a passionately expressive reality, would enter these buildings as a slit, and discover to the very limits of resolution.
He would execute the operation by defining the contour and shading the body of the building. The final bare image then becomes a geometrical shape with irregular edges, and these colourful surfaces are often surrounded by black lines – frames, bordures – or simply float as a part of a facture.
According to Sütő the slit-like optical view would make the image dim – or rather sharper along the contours – but at the same time it would make the building or ship lose its spatial properties.
No. The viewer does not obey Sütő’s visual aggression; moreover, one contemplates over a contemporary trompe l’oeil – an illusion – as if being in love.
Since however hard Sütő wishes to pauperize the sight and demolish the dimensions on the canvas, his painterly language would speak against him. Instead the softly flowing aquarelle-like acrylic paint opens new spaces for the viewers’ eyes by keeping the contours and dissolving the planes. One sees below the huge yellow buildings and reddish rusty factures. The contour is pushing the background further back and new colour fields are being born in the foreground. The pictures of the series become mysteriously unique and detach themselves from the other pieces of the sequences.
Sütő’s grandiose paint layers liquefy the fast-drying patches of the acrylic, with colours ranging from greys to yellowish-browns and greens. As a result the viewer, with the help of the new illusion, can experience an exciting new world of palaces, gardens and waters.
Sütő wanted to change only a part of the forms of his previous works, but he opened a total new reality to us – the aperture stroke back, and the optics that was forced to operate through a slit now draws brand new images of brand worlds for our eyes wide open.

A Pepper Art Projects szeretettel meghívja Önt 2013. december 4-én 18 órára
SÜTŐ RÓBERT festőművész APERTURA című kiállításának megnyitójára.

A kiállítást megnyitja:

A kiállítás támogatója: a MULTICONT Nemzetközi Szállítmányozási Logisztikai Zrt.
Helyszín: Budapest, XII. Törpe utca 8.

A kiállítás megtekinthető 2013. december 11-ig munkanapokon 14 és 18 óra között